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Racial Consciousness and Reflection

The eighth Standard of Effective Practice relies on seven components to unpack racial consciousness and reflection through an asset-based mindset that honors the whole student. As educators develop this mindset, they will flexibly engage with all five SEL competencies. In particular, educators must rely on social awareness skills centered in belonging and responsible decision-making skills centered in curiosity.

Ideally, educators cultivate social awareness and responsible decision-making skills during their pre-service licensure programs and in-service practices, model and rely on those skills with colleagues, students, families, and community members in school and community settings, and utilize parallel grade-banded, benchmarked SEL competencies for students (SEL Framework: Five Competencies) in order to integrate evidence-based Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) practices across all subject areas and in all settings. For Standard Eight: Racial Consciousness and Reflection, we developed one learning goal for social awareness and one goal for responsible decision-making, set measurable benchmarks, provided a learning target for each benchmark with space for noting evidence of the benchmark and to action plan, and identified resources from local and national partners.

The uniform reflection template for learning targets is located to the right on the main menu. This template along with aligned learning targets can be used for syllabi creation, tier 3 licensure via portfolio, and district professional learning about adult transformative SEL.

Social Awareness Centered in Belonging
Belonging is focal among social awareness competencies and connotes experiences of acceptance, respect, and inclusion within a group or community. It implies not only feeling recognized but also being fully involved in relationship-building and co-creating learning spaces.
Learning Goal
Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories.
Standards Components
8AMultiple Theories of Race and Ethnicity 
The teacher understands multiple theories of race and ethnicity, including but not limited to racial formation, processes of racialization, and intersectionality. 
8BPrejudice, Discrimination, Bias, and Racism 
The teacher understands the definitions of and difference between prejudice, discrimination, bias, and racism.
8CEthno-Centrism, Eurocentrism, Deficit Based Teaching and White Supremacy
The teacher understands how ethno-centrism, eurocentrism, deficit based teaching, and white supremacy undermine pedagogical equity.
8EHistories and Social Struggles of Historically Defined Racialized Groups 
The teacher understands the histories and social struggles of historically defined racialized groups, including but not limited to Indigenous people, Black Americans, Latinx Americans, and Asian Americans.
Develop systems of support that contribute to school and personal success.
Learning Target
I can model how to cultivate community by identifying and collaboratively addressing inequities.
Learning Goal
Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories.
Standards Components
8FMinnesota-Based American Indian Tribal Nations and Communities 
The teacher understands the cultural content, world view, concepts, and perspectives of Minnesota-based American Indian Tribal Nations and communities, including Indigenous histories and languages.
Demonstrate understanding of apparent and not apparent community/cultural practices, customs and ways of making meaning that impact communities differently.
Learning Target
I can show empathy, stay curious, and strive to understand Minnesota-based American Indian Tribal Nations.
Learning Goal
Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories.
Standards Components
8GImpact of Race and Ethnicity with Other Forms of Difference 
The teacher understands the impact of the intersection of race and ethnicity with other forms of difference, including class, gender, sexuality, religion, national origin, immigration status, language, ability, and age.
Demonstrate respect for individuals from different social and cultural groups.
Learning Target
I can recognize the genius of all students, peers, and families; elevate commonalities and connections; and celebrate differences among diverse groups.
Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity
Curiosity is focal among responsible decision-making competencies and can animate critical self- and social analysis and action. Curiosity has both cognitive and affective elements that contribute to an enduring tendency to pursue knowledge and new experiences. As such, it appears to be essential to attention, engagement, and learning.
Learning Goal
Considers ethical standards, social and community norms and safety concerns in making decisions.
Standards Components
8DSocial and Cultural Practices Associated with Knowledge Creation
The teacher understands that knowledge creation, ways of knowing, and teaching are social and cultural practices shaped by race and ethnicity, often resulting in racially disparate advantages and disadvantages.
Coming soon.
Demonstrate ability to consider personal responsibility, social norms, safety concerns and ethical standards in making decisions.
Learning Target
I can model fairness, honesty, and integrity about the social and cultural practices that shape ways of knowing.
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